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Washing isn’t the most pleasant of chores at the best of time however if you have a noisy washing machine it can sound like it is about to explode.

This can make the task of doing the laundry even more unenjoyable, especially if you have to endure the noise load after load!

Reasons your washing machine could be noisy:

Try running the machine on an empty cycle to see if the noise is due to the machine itself or possibly a specific laundry load (such as heavy items). Try to take note of which part of the cycle the noise occurs as this may help a professional determine what the issue is later.

If there isn’t anything noticeably wrong but your washing machine is making a racket it’s time to call a professional such as Bayside Appliance Repairs.

It could be that a complicated part needs replacing or something as simple as a screw that needs tightening!